Project Review Wednesday: Workbench Moderation OG

There are currently 86 new Drupal contributors awaiting review of their first project. This is a great place to contribute to the community and learn about interesting upcoming projects, for example...

Module: Workbench Moderation OG

What does it do?

Workbench is a suite of modules that offers highly customizable workflows for a site. It is definitely my favorite tool for providing content moderation specifically tailored to a client's needs. The Workbench Moderation OG module integrates Workbench with Organic Groups (OG). Allowing OG and Workbench to work together opens up some exciting doors for websites using groups via OG.

Now with Workbench Moderation OG, the tools available to Workbench can be customized on the group level. For example, a blog post created by a content creator in a "Sports" group, could be set up to be moderated only by content editors within that same group. These rules can also exist across groups. Following that same example, a blog post from the Sports group that is under review, could be set to be unavailable to any other groups on the site.

Organic Groups and Workbench Moderation are two of the most popular modules in Drupal site building and making the two of them friends just makes sense. Some might even call it destiny.

Want OG and Workbench to Be Friends? Review it!

If you want OG and Workbench to be pals, you should review it and help make that happen.

Review It

Pro Tip: If you've never reviewed a project application before, you can find instructions for reviewers on and the Code Review group is happy to help more people get involved.

Drupal Drupal Planet Project Review Wednesday

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