If you don’t know what version your site is running, login to your site as an administrator and visit: https://YOURDOMAIN.ORG/admin/reports/status. You’ll find the Drupal version under “General System Information”
Is your site under version control (GIT is the most common)?
Does your development team use CI/devops tools to push code to production?
Is your site being managed with Composer?
Is your Drupal website using the Paragraphs module?
If you are unsure about whether or not you are using Paragraphs, please search the following page on your site for the keyword “paragraphs”. https://YOURDOMAIN.COM/admin/modules
If you are unsure what Paragraph Types are in use, please go to, https://YOURDOMAIN.COM/admin/structure/paragraphs_type and share the names in the “Label” column of the table.