HTML5 in Drupal

Last weekend at DrupalCamp Colorado, I did a presentation on HTML5 in Drupal. You can view the slides for the presentation if you missed it, or want to see how some of the examples work outside Safari. The slideshow itself is HTML5-based, using the HTML5 Slides project from Google.

Since the presentation, I've heard of a few Drupal projects I didn't include in the slides: Geolocator uses HTML5 geolocation and was added just yesterday. Plupload uses HTML5 video and drag-and-drop, also added just yesterday. Someone in the audience during the presentation also mentioned another module that uses HTML5 functionality, but I've since forgotten what that was. If you were there and remember, or know of any other tools in Drupal using HTML5, please leave a comment.

It's exciting to see the Drupal community getting into HTML5 more, and I hope to see a lot more of that. As I mentioned toward the end of the presentation, there's still a lot of confusion about whether or not it's okay for Drupal to use HTML5, since everything in core uses XHTML 1. To clear that up one more time: HTML5 is allowed in Drupal, and should be encouraged. Drupal 7 co-maintainer webchick has weighed in on the topic:

I think this is a great thing, and helps put Drupal out front as a leader in pushing forward web standards and new technology, and also tests the waters for things that Drupal core could be doing in the future, to help enable global spread of these tools.

There will be issues that come up using HTML5 in Drupal, of course, just as there are with anything new. By discovering and dealing with those issues now, we'll be well-equipped to use HTML5 going forward. The web isn't going to wait for Drupal to get comfortable, so it's important we get out in front of these changes rather than struggling to catch up. There's a ton to learn about HTML5 (I only scratched the surface in an hour), but the first step is incredibly easy. Is your Drupal site using HTML5 yet?

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