Project Review Wednesday: Webform Pager

There are currently 77 new Drupal contributors awaiting review of their first project. This is a great place to contribute to the community and learn about interesting upcoming projects, for example...

Module: Webform Pager

What does it do?

Webform is one of the most popular modules out there. One of the great things about Drupal are helper modules that add additional features to widely used modules that are tried and true. Last week Rob reviewed Webform Event. This week the Webform Pager module caught my eye.

This project adds three different pager options to a Webform: page count, percentage, and page name.

Select which pager(s) you'd like on your Webform and there you go. A very straightforward solution to a common feature when working with multi-page forms.

Look Useful? Review it!

If this sounds like something you'd like to see readily available on, you should review it and help make that happen.

Review It

Pro Tip: If you've never reviewed a project application before, you can find instructions for reviewers on and the Code Review group is happy to help more people get involved.

Drupal Drupal Planet Project Review Wednesday

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